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Weltrekord-TV mit Journalistenpreis ausgezeichnet
CTO Journalistenpreis auf der ITB verliehen
Die Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) hat den Journalistenpreis 2008 sowie den ersten Platz in der Kategorie „TV/Hörfunk“ an den Reisejournalisten David Vehreschild verliehen. Seine Voxtours-Reportage über deutsche Auswanderer, die in der Dominikanischen Republik als Reiseveranstalter arbeiten, überzeugte durch die Darstellung touristischer Vielfalt und ungewöhnlicher Blickwinkel der beliebten Destination.
März, 2009
Weltrekord-TV awarded again…
Weltrekord-TV wins the “Zlatna penkala” (Golden pen), the award of the Croatian Tourist Board for the best published  TV show about Croatia.
Presse-Text: The additional value for journalists regarding this award lies in the fact that Croatia is the birthplace of the pen. Namely, the inventor engineer Slavoljub Penkala who lived and worked in Zagreb, invented the first mechanical pencil in the world in 1906 and in 1907 invented the first fountain pen in the world. Because of great interest in the market, the up to then production was moved from the workshop in 1911 into a new factory which Slavoljub Penkala constructed in Branimir street in Zagreb with Edmund Moster, with whom he had cooperated with in 1906. And so at the beginning of the 20th century these revolutionary inventions and symbols of the journalism profession ventured into the world from Zagreb, Croatia and took it by storm.
Mai, 2009
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